Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Tips and Tricks for a messy life!

One thing I know about having a two year old, a dog and just every day life is that in can get messy!

This is my daughter and what happens in 30 seconds with a tube of mascara ;)

So here are two tricks I use that have been great and obviously necessary!!!

Makeup or dirt stain on your clothes!  

Ugh….nothing like running out of the house and you get some blush on your shirt or pants! Tide sticks do not work in a rush it just leaves a wet spot on your clothes until you wash it!  Now its a good pre soak to your stain especially if its something more than just a lil makeup.

However, in a rush Neutrogena Makeup Remover Cloths are amazing great to keep in your purse and have taken a few makeup stains out my clothes perfectly!

My second trick is for carpet stain! I swear my daughter spills something every day!

This is a DIY stain remover for carpet and it works like magic!

1 part dishwashing soap
1part white vinegar
1part baking soda or powder
3 parts water

Mix together in a spray bottle and spray away and just scrub with a towel!  I would add a lil febreze on top because the vinegar can be strong but it comes right out and I have had no residual stains come back and its been months! 

Hope it works as well for you as it did for me!