Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A Healthier YOU!

My name is Christy and I am addicted to Diet Coke!

 I have recently gave up Diet Soda. I was such an addict, but I have now gone 8 days with NO DIET SODA!!! Woo Hoo insert party dance here!!!   I am already feeling better and I am excited to be taking steps to a healthier me!

Last year I started eating a version of paleo/ gluten free. ( I eat dairy and eggs)  I feel so much better and have so much more energy when I eat healthier. I recently just made this Cauliflower crust pizza and it is super delicious. It is now one of favorite recipes I have found and the WHOLE PIZZA is only 500 calories!

The Iron You: Paleo Cheese Pizza

* I added Turkey Pepperonis and Italian Seasoning to the Crust

Thanks to the Iron You, this is now a weekly meal favorite at the Creson House!

Hope you enjoy as much as me!

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