Wednesday, May 23, 2012


GFFB??? GO FIGHT FASHION BABY!!!   That is my life in a nut shell. I coach a college cheerleading and dance team, I own a boutique with my best friend Stetson which was my life long dream and most importantly I am the mother to the most precious thing in my life Elouise! I have tried to start blogs before but I am not going to lie I did not follow through. As a boutique owner I have a lot of people that asked if I had a blog so I decided it was time I actually go through with one! I will post things about cheerleading and dance, fashion of course and my family. I hope you enjoy! I will start you off with a picture of my lil monkey Elouise!



1 comment:

  1. So excited that you are starting this!! Love that sweet baby girl too!
