Friday, May 25, 2012

Grain Free?? Paleo?? NO BREAD!! WHAT???

         So, about a month ago I started my new nutrition and exercise regimen with my wonderful trainer who happens to be my husband! Jake has his Masters Degree in exercise physiology and has elite certifications in Strength and Conditioning etc…  Lets just say my man knows his stuff!

Lets be real though as his wife I haven't really listened to him about exercise and nutrition lets just say ever because well you know he's my husband and Im stubborn!

Well, I finally buckled down and listened, when I told him I wanted to tone up lose a couple of lbs for swimsuit season!

So, one month ago I started working out 3-4 days a week with his workout classes and I started the dreadful nutrition plan (diet). His plan is mostly Paleo which consists of not eating ANY GRAINS! That includes; breads, pastas, chips, sweets ( really any bad carb or good stuff you can think of)  First two weeks I will not lie it was really hard!! I think at some point tears were shed.

So I was told to eat protein every meal and have 2 snacks in between.

Example of what I eat

Breakfast- Smoothie ( protein powder, strawberries, peaches, greek yogurt milk)
Snack- Apple, Cheese stick
Lunch- Grilled chicken, all natural sweet potato chips ( found at our local Healthy Home Market)
Snack- Edamame ( I get in frozen section and takes 5 min in microwave and add a lil sea salt)
Dinner- Pepporoni Pizza and Choclate Chip Cookies….I bet you are like whaattt??/

Ok so I have found a recipe for grain free pizza and choclate chip cookies.  Most Paleo things are made out of Almond Flour and Almond Butter ( so if you are allergic to nuts you might have to do some more reserarch) 
Just a couple of additions- I add Italian Seasoning and Garlic Salt to the crust and you can do whatever toppings you want and you have yourself a gluten free grain free pizza! Woo Hoo I can live again!

OK the best part is the Ooohy Gooyie Chocolate Chip Grain Free Cookies ( I swear these are better than regualar ones) I actually have been baking for like a month straight trying all kinds of recipes and I have devised my own and they are AMAZING!!!

Ooohy Gooyie Choclate Chip Grain Free Cookies

1 Cup Creamy Almond Butter
1/4 Cup Raw Honey
1 Tsp Baking Stevia ( Sugar Subst.) ( or more if you want them more sweet)
1 Egg
1/2 tsp Baking Powder
1/2 tsp Sea Salt
1/2 tsp Vanilla Extract
Dash or two of Cinnamon
1/2 cup of Ghiradelli Semi Sweet Chocolate Chips ( the better the chocolate the better the cookie!

Pre heat oven to 350

I put almond butter and honey and get that good and mixed up then I put in Stevia,baking powder, sea salt, 1 egg ( I beat in bowl of mix) then after good and mixed up I add the Vanilla and Cinnamon. Then you will add you chocolate chips and get them all mixed up with mix. This will be much stickier than regular cookie dough.

Spray a cookie sheet or put down parchment paper and just take a spoon or your hands and put your dough balls on paper or greased sheet, make sure to flatten them down because they will not rise like normal cookies! Put them in the oven for 8-10 minutes and let them cool and then you will have super delicious Oohy Gooyie Chocolate Chip Grain Free Cookie!

I have lost 2 inches in my stomach, 4lbs and an inch  on each thigh and I have not had a headache since I started this diet! I have never felt better in my life and I have found substitutions for things I love to eat!  This really does work and I am so glad I finally listened to my husband…haha

If you are in the Hickory area and looking for a change in your life to feel better, lose weight, get in shape call Jake at 828-228-5227 at Carolina Pride Athletics!

Jake and I are going to go eat our cookies and watch a movie since miss priss is already asleep for the night!



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