Friday, June 21, 2013

6 year wedding anniversary!!!

My 6 year wedding anniversary is coming up next weekend and I'm so excited because my sweet hubby is taking me to Charleston for the weekend!!! I can't even explain how much I love Charleston it is one of my absolute favorite places!

Every year on my anniversary I wear white it's my tradition every year. Even preggers I wore a white dress, I love to feel like a bride every year! My husband always finds a way to make our anniversary special the first 3 years we went to Charleston the 4th year we had Elouise who was only 6 months old so still nursing and we went to my favorite restaurant in town. Last year we went to Charlotte and went to the whitewater rafting center and stayed at Ballantyne resort where we spent our wedding night!

*just realized hubby wore same suit 3 years in a row

Back to our favorite spot this year in Charleston and while on the hunt for perfect white dress I found a fabulous dress in (insert gasp) bright coral do I mix it up or keep searching for a white one??

Stay tuned to find out!

Happy Friday!

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