Thursday, October 9, 2014

I'm Back with a Ruby Crown!

I love the idea of a blog because you have an outlet to get your views, passions and your story to people all over the world or maybe just your mom and best friend.

I had the most extraordinary opportunity to compete in the Mrs America 2015 pageant representing North Carolina, and it was one of the most life changing experiences of my life. I did not walk away with the Mrs America crown but I did walk away with the "Ruby Crown"

What does the "Ruby Crown" mean???  This is my new inspiration for my updated blog and what I want to share with the world, or maybe just my mom and best friend ;)

The women I met at Mrs America helped give me this life changing experience. I met some of the most God fearing inspirational women at Mrs America, and I am so glad that God gave me the opportunity to meet them and be inspired by them.

I left Mrs America with a Mountain top experience, I felt closer to God than I had in a very long time and utterly inspired to share my faith and also incorporate my passion for fashion, hair, makeup, cheer, dance, family and everything that makes me...ME

Today is a new beginning and the start of  Ruby Crown " A Kings Daughter"
Proverbs 31:10  says Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies!

We as women can spend a lifetime trying to keep our confiendce high because we live in a world that it can easily be destroyed. I can attest that you as a Kings Daughter are a true princess and are more than; pageant titles, bad relationships, finances, work problems, mommy exhaustion, and of course far above "Rubies"

I spent my year as Mrs North Carolina spreading the word that the Ordinary can be Extraordinary and now that my year is coming to a close, I can move to the next chapter of my life while using the extraordinary opportunity I had as Mrs North Carolina.

Ruby Crown will now be a place of inspiration through  fashion and style, mommy moments, hair and makeup tutorials and of course a place of faith and all the blessings we can experience as a "Kings Daughter"

I cant wait to share with all of you and a little disclaimer I will post hopefully though-out the week but mommy time will always come first.   I can also promise that I wont always have perfect grammar. I write like I speak and usually in a fury, so its a blog not the New York Times!

I'm excited about my new project and if you have a story to tell or something you would like to share I would love to have guests posts!

I also want to give a shout out to another inspirational lady who just happens to be Mrs New Jersey and became such a sweet friend Jennifer Porrata she has an amazing ministry Please go check out her ministy!

Christy W. Creson

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