Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Emmy Style

All fashionista everyone love awards shows for the red carpet! I was loving the Red Carpet looks at this years Emmys and here is my  Fashion Faves and Fashion Fails for Emmy's 2013!

Fashion Faves

Super Caliente as always Sophia Vergara in Vera Wang

Julia Bowen in Zac Posen I love love this Blush gown!

Julia Louis-Dreyfus in Monique Lhuiller

Giuliana Rancic in Tadashi Shoji

I acutally liked a few more but my best dressed for the night was….
Kerry Washington this gal can do no wrong and if I was walking Red Carpet I would go Marchesa too!

Ok so now onto Fashion Fails...

Heidi Klum in Versace I just dont feel this flattered her at all and if it doesn't flatter a supermodel….and I do not understand her hair and makeup choices at all? Sorry Heidi, I normally love you!

Connie Britton in Naeem Khan I love the show Nashville and Connie Britton is one gorgeous lady but this just dated her she could have done so much better!

Cat Deely in Armani she is normally a showstopper and does like to take a fashion risk but this just seemed so wrong to me?

Anna Farris in Monique Lhuillier I love her but this is was just horrible and hair and makeup were the worst she is ever looked. I did think the fit was nice but that school bus yellow with her skin and bleached out hair or wig was just awful.

and my worst dressed might be a surprise and I think this dress could have been gorgeous but my worst dressed goes to Claire Danes in Armani Prive All night I just wanted to go pull her dress up. Seeing her boobs sagged down was just horrific and I want even talk about her faux bob and makeup. This could have been stunning and I loved the actual dress and color with her skin but it was all wrong!

Who's ready for Golden Globes!!! I sure do love me a red carpet!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Saturday Swag Outfit of the Day!

Here is my Saturday Swag outfit of the day!! I'm loving everything about this look and perfect for a Saturday night date or night out with girlfriends! Did I mention this whole outfit is under $150 shoes and all! It's all available at www.lulus.com!


Can we just talk about how super sick those shoes are?? 

Have yourself a fabulous fashion filled weekend! 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Fall Fashion

Cool nights, skinny jeans and boots for days are finally here!!!
 I love fall and especially pumpkin spice lattes yum!!!

Here are some of my favorite fall fashions that will also take you into winter that I am just loving right now. 

Did I mention they are all under $100!

Skinny Jeans/Pants I am a lover of the skinny jean and is my go to pant. I love H&M pants they are inexpensive and have a great fit.  Did I mention H&M just opened the online store about a month ago…fashionistas everywhere are swooning!!!!

All of these skinnies are from H&M and right now most skinnies are 20% off with prices starting at $29.95! I wont tell you that I snagged the last pair of the black wax coated denim skinnies from the Winston-Salem store for $7….yes I said $7 for a pair of jeans! Still denim under $30 is a great deal too! I love skinnies paired with a silk button up.

Dresses Dresses Dresses…..I love a great dress and is great with boots or tights for fall!


All three dresses are from www.asos.com in the petite section, but most petite items come in regular lengths as well.

I love this big chunky sweater from H&M I just picked one up and cant wait for the southern heat to subside so I can wear it with my olive green skinnies!

Lastly, are these great tan booties from Target and for $20.99 who can beat that???

I will post more fall fashion  but these are some of my favorite pieces….what is your favorite fall fashion?


Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Tips and Tricks for a messy life!

One thing I know about having a two year old, a dog and just every day life is that in can get messy!

This is my daughter and what happens in 30 seconds with a tube of mascara ;)

So here are two tricks I use that have been great and obviously necessary!!!

Makeup or dirt stain on your clothes!  

Ugh….nothing like running out of the house and you get some blush on your shirt or pants! Tide sticks do not work in a rush it just leaves a wet spot on your clothes until you wash it!  Now its a good pre soak to your stain especially if its something more than just a lil makeup.

However, in a rush Neutrogena Makeup Remover Cloths are amazing great to keep in your purse and have taken a few makeup stains out my clothes perfectly!

My second trick is for carpet stain! I swear my daughter spills something every day!

This is a DIY stain remover for carpet and it works like magic!

1 part dishwashing soap
1part white vinegar
1part baking soda or powder
3 parts water

Mix together in a spray bottle and spray away and just scrub with a towel!  I would add a lil febreze on top because the vinegar can be strong but it comes right out and I have had no residual stains come back and its been months! 

Hope it works as well for you as it did for me!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Fit Fashion

I love merging my love of fashion and fitness! Who says we cant look good even while working out!

As the cheerleading coach for Lenoir-Rhyne University our football team was just recently sponsored by Under Armour! (Super Cool for a little D2 school)

My cheerleaders will be completely "underarmoured" (My new word) next year to match our football team so I thought I would put together my fashion fitness look all "underarmoured"

I think I really need all these pieces next year and they are all available at www.zappos.com and www.underarmour.com. I am loving the break from black workout pants with the strobe pink workout leggings.

Hope you enjoyed my Fit Fashion Monday!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Fit for life!

Who says Fitness cant be fun???

My husband has been in the fitness industry now for 10 years. He has his masters degree in Sport Science and Pedagogy an Undergrad in Health and Exercise science. He has worked for two universities as a Strength and Conditioning Coach, trained professional athletes,  worked in excersise rehab and cardiac rehab, and of course personal and group training. ( Let's just say he knows his stuff!)

Last year I took my fitness goals sersious as I prepared to compete in the Mrs. North Carolina pageant and in just six weeks I lost 10 lbs and 3 inches in my stomach, inch and half in each thigh and went down a whole dress size all in thanks to my awesome husband and his wealth of knowledge!

I went grain free a version of paleo where I eat no grains and only concentrate on Protein, Veggies and some dairy and fruits. Healthy living at its finest. I had never felt better in my life than I did during this time.

I placed first runner up in the pageant and for a while I still lived partially grain free and I started incorporating more and more grains back into my life and eventually I wasn't doing my part in healthy living and my diet became poor again. ( No one said this is easy!)

8 months later and I made the decision that I couldn't just eat for show anymore but for my health!

I am now living 90/10 I eat grain free 90% of the time and yes that means no bread, pasta, cereal, anything containing a grain and 10% of the time I will have just a few things I love.


I have never felt better and I can see my body slowly starting to change. Yes slowly is the key it will not happen overnight but I FINALLY realized this needed to be lifestyle change!!

GRAINS ARE UNNECESSARY but it doesn't mean I cant have a few things in moderation.

I also incorporate my workout regimen that my husband designed for me which is working with weights and I participate in dance fitness classes at HG Fitness in Hickory and I am now obsessed with Barre workouts!! I try to get a minimum of 3 days of workouts with the hope of 5.

I am not where I want to be yet but I know I am on the track to being very healthy and I know it doesn't happen overnight~

One of my favorite recipes is the cauliflower crust pizza which I bragged on earlier but here is a video my business partner Stetson took of me making the pizza to help you step by step.

Click the link here:
Creson Kitchen Cauliflower Pizza

Good luck on your healthy living and fitness journey and let me know if you ever need help or have questions!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Pinterest hair!

I am on my way to Charleston for my anniversary...Yay!!!! 

Last night I tried a Pinterest hair trick that you twist your hair and pin it up and sleep in it and magically in morning you have curly hair! 

My hair is really long right now so curls just don't hold we'll so I thought I would give it a shot so I didn't have to fix my hair in the morning!

Can you believe this actually worked!!!! It took me like 60 seconds to do this last night and...Voila magic curls!!!

Let me know if this works for any of you!


Friday, June 28, 2013

Drugstore beauty!

 I think I have ranted and raved about how much I love MAC makeup and there just isn't any foundation like it. Well, I still believe that but with my favorite MAC foundation Studio Fix Fluid btw...and one tube being almost $30 I decided it was time to head to Target, and find an alternative for day to day.

I like good coverage and staying power. Certain foundations will just eat away on me and in like 30 minutes, looks like nothing is on my face.

I have tried every foundation under the sun and here is my review. Bloggers everywhere  ranted and raved over Revlon Colorstay liquid foundation and said it was so similar to MAC. 

I tried this out but I just found the foundation to be to thick and would cake up. I tried my foundation brush and my hands nothing seemed to work!

I then tried the Revlon Mousse makeup…

I actually really like this one and the color was right for me but just not enough coverage!

I finally found the golden ticket!

Revlon Colorstay Whipped Foundation

This has the same lasting effect as the liquid but not the cakey feel! It goes on so smooth and it almost wipes away your pores! I do layer primer first and I'm loving Almay CC cream. It's a great corrector and primer! I think total for both items is only around $20! Money saving mama and happy husband ;)

I have one more drug store find and it's only $5.99 and just in time for summer!

I love this stuff perfect for beach days or days to hot for a fixed hair day! It smells amazing and works great!!!

Hope you enjoyed my blog on beauty finds for less! Let me know any of your favorite drugstore beauty products!

Friday, June 21, 2013

6 year wedding anniversary!!!

My 6 year wedding anniversary is coming up next weekend and I'm so excited because my sweet hubby is taking me to Charleston for the weekend!!! I can't even explain how much I love Charleston it is one of my absolute favorite places!

Every year on my anniversary I wear white it's my tradition every year. Even preggers I wore a white dress, I love to feel like a bride every year! My husband always finds a way to make our anniversary special the first 3 years we went to Charleston the 4th year we had Elouise who was only 6 months old so still nursing and we went to my favorite restaurant in town. Last year we went to Charlotte and went to the whitewater rafting center and stayed at Ballantyne resort where we spent our wedding night!

*just realized hubby wore same suit 3 years in a row

Back to our favorite spot this year in Charleston and while on the hunt for perfect white dress I found a fabulous dress in (insert gasp) bright coral do I mix it up or keep searching for a white one??

Stay tuned to find out!

Happy Friday!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Fashion SCORE!

I had such a huge fashion score tonight that I must share with you all!

My sweet daddy is completely responsible for my shoe addiction  because he was always surprising me with impromptu shoe "emergency " trips as he would call them.

My dad surprised me the other day with a shoe "emergency " trip to the mall. Did I mention these trips are timed I usually have less than 20 minutes to find the perfect pair. 

I came home with these Steve Madden's I wasn't 100% about that them but I had been on the hunt for the perfect wedge to match my skin color. The wedge color on the heel is what I just wasn't sold on.

They went back to the store and I had a crazy 2 year old with me so I left with a store credit and tonight I found the best deal!!!!

The search is finally over for the perfect summer wedge! 
Drumroll please...

Marked down from $165 to $89!!! Michael by Michael Kors wedges. Super excited about my fashion score tonight! 

Any of you find any awesome deals that just made your day?

Friday, May 10, 2013

FREEZE FLASH your nails DRY!

      Trying to be economical these days I have been painting my own nails! As my good friend Stetson would say Princess Problems… and one of top picks is waiting on your nails to dry!!!!

Having a 2 year old, I have a small window before I need to chase her down so I needed a quick dry solution.

1. Paint your nails your favorite color
2. ALWAYS, ALWAYS use a top coat ( l like the Sally Hansen Top Coat in the Fast Dry in 60 seconds)
3. Wait 2 minutes...
4. Spray Pam on all your nails (Yes Pam from your Kitchen) and then immediatley stick your hands in a bowl of ICE COLD WATER for 60 seconds.
5. Wash your hands ( to remove the Pam) and your nails should be completely dry!!!

* nail color Essie Turquoise and Caicos with a gold glitter on the ring finger.

Now, go have fun painting your nails since you don't have that dreaded dry time anymore!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Boutique party style

Tonight, Thad & Louise is hosting a boutique party for a shopper in Charlotte and all her friends! I absolutely love throwing boutique parties it is such a great fashion night out!

Here is the outfit I am thinking of wearing tonight so tune in later to see how it all comes together!

Mint Blazer- Dylan and Rose from Thad & Louise
Watercolor peplum top- H&M
Gold chain necklace- Bevello
Rhinestone statement necklace-H&M

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A Healthier YOU!

My name is Christy and I am addicted to Diet Coke!

 I have recently gave up Diet Soda. I was such an addict, but I have now gone 8 days with NO DIET SODA!!! Woo Hoo insert party dance here!!!   I am already feeling better and I am excited to be taking steps to a healthier me!

Last year I started eating a version of paleo/ gluten free. ( I eat dairy and eggs)  I feel so much better and have so much more energy when I eat healthier. I recently just made this Cauliflower crust pizza and it is super delicious. It is now one of favorite recipes I have found and the WHOLE PIZZA is only 500 calories!

The Iron You: Paleo Cheese Pizza

* I added Turkey Pepperonis and Italian Seasoning to the Crust

Thanks to the Iron You, this is now a weekly meal favorite at the Creson House!

Hope you enjoy as much as me!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Weekend Chic

Weekend Casual

After a weekend of cheerleading tryouts it was rest and relax time with the family. I love my high heels,  but hanging out with my beautiful little family and attending a children's birthday party it was a weekend perfect for my Chucks!

Jeans- Joe's Dark Wash Skinny Jeans
Shirt- Chambray Denim Shirt- T.J. Maxx
Watch- Michael Kors
Aviator Sunglasses- Target
White Chuck Taylors- Converse

Hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Fashion Board-Birthday Week

These are a few of my favorite things!!! 


 I love birthday's, I just cant believe people when they say they don't! 
In honor of my birthday Im kicking it off with my first fashion board.

Here is my first virtual fashion board. I used to do this all the time when I was little but I would get out my fashion magazines a pair of scissors and good ole Elmer's glue.


Dress- Peach Tea n Rose Dress (Thad & Louise Boutique)www.thadandlouise.com
Blazer- Mint Green Dylan & Rose (Thad & Louise Boutique)www.thadandlouise.com
Nude ankle wrap platform sandals- (Victorias Secret) www.victoriassecret.com
Aztec 2 tier gold necklace- (Thad & Louise Boutique) www.thadandlouise.com
Watch-(Michael Kors) www.michaelkors.com