Wednesday, January 8, 2014

"WMW" WOW ME WEDNESDAY with Christy Loves...

Well we all know about "TBT" Throwback Thursday "MCM" Man Candy Monday and so on…

So every wednesday I will be blogging "WMW" WOW ME WEDNESDAY with a Christy loves segment on different products that have just wowed me and I love!

The Keurig has changed my life! I think I like it better than shoes…oh my did I just type that??? Ok, no seriously this is the best invention ever. I have to have my coffee every morning to get me going, I am not a morning person to say the least and I love me some coffee.  I have had the same sad old coffee mate since my wedding shower! So when my mother in law asked me what I wanted for Christmas this was the number 1. Let me tell you if you love coffee you will love it. On the best things ever invented; the Keurig is side by side with the Iphone!

Did I mention I don't have to clean a coffee pot anymore!!

Stay tuned next Wednesday for more Christy loves…


1 comment:

  1. Seriously the BEST THING EVER! Glad you are enjoying your gift!
